BURKE Museum's renowned collections display and security throughout the Historic Precinct will be boosted thanks to $89,900 in funding from the State Government.
The funding will enable the museum's display cabinetry to be extended and CCTV will be installed throughout the precinct.
"This is a really exciting opportunity to have more of the museum's collections on display, as well as to upgrade the security of our heritage spaces," Burke Museum and Cultural Heritage manager Cameron Auty said.
"It's an important investment from the Victorian government in the preservation of Indigo Shire's cultural heritage."
The funding is part of the $4 million Regional Collections Access Program initiative which will support 36 museums, galleries and cultural organisations, funding capital works to enable them to attract touring exhibitions, borrow and display prominent artworks and better care for their collections.
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It means more visitors and stronger futures for much–loved institutions with flow–on benefits for local businesses in regional areas according to the State Government.
The Regional Collections Access Program is administered through Regional Arts Victoria, in partnership with Creative Victoria, Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria, Public Galleries Association of Victoria and the National Gallery of Victoria.
Minister for Creative Industries Danny Pearson Victoria's regional galleries and museums are among the best in the country, attracting tourists and jobs to vibrant
cities and towns while preserving and showcasing precious cultural artefacts.
"This funding will help attract more touring exhibitions to regional Victoria and introduce more people to our incredible regional collections," he said.
Public Galleries Association of Victoria executive officer Anne Robertson the funding will enable galleries to upgrade infrastructure, attract major touring exhibitions and borrow key works from national and international institutions."
"The program will ensure more Victorians can access world–class visual art in more galleries across the state, she said.
Benalla Historical Society Inc received $201,421 from the program to undertake a complete reorganisation and fit out of collection storage and display areas of the Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum through upgrades to gallery lighting, showcases, and storage solutions to deliver a safer environment for collection management activities, and enhanced visitor access to collections and exhibitions.