24 February 2025
My lifelong loyalty to our Sovereign

MY father Les Turnbull and mother Florence Fitzpatrick were married on November 27, 1947, one week after Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip were married on 20 November 1947.

I was born in June 1948 and Prince Charles in November 1948.

I remember that each Monday morning at assembly we all stated the oath, "I love God and my country, I will honour the flag, I will serve the Queen and cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the laws".

And I have tried to do that all my life.

In February 1954, I remember the school children of Victoria going down to St Kilda Road to see the new Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip drive past in front of thousands of people lining the road.

It was the newly crowned Queen's first parade in Victoria, Australia and it was when I commenced school.

I remember the red, white and blue bunting, the flags, and streamers everywhere.

On this special occasion, my sister Wendy and I and friends Junie and Julie Thompson dressed in red, white and blue with rosettes on our chests to represent the colours of the flag.

We stood on St Kilda Road to see our new Queen and Prince Philip go by, which was a very impressive sight for such small children.

The memory has stayed with me all my life.

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After the parade, one of the Victorian mounted policemen was standing near me and I fed his horse an apple I had with me.

The excitement and patriotism was high everywhere.

It was what Australians needed to lift them out of the post war depression; the after affects of war and loyalty to something, unlike fickle politicians.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were very honoured to be in our country, and I know they fulfilled their monarchal roles admirably for all the years of her reign until his death in 2021 and hers in 2022.

They were married for close to 73 and a half years.

I visited Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle a couple of times on overseas trips to the United Kingdom.

The 1954 Queen's visit was such a great occasion for me, my first real spectacle.

I became a royalist and follower of the monarchy and the Queen in particular from then onwards and still to this day.

Even to the point that in April 2021, I compiled a Queen's condolence book for the Nagambie community to sign and sent it to the Queen at Buckingham Palace with over 1200 signatures and 80 photos in it following Prince Philip's death on April 9, 2021.

Then when my beloved Queen passed away in August 2022 I compiled another condolence book on behalf of the Nagambie Community and sent it with photos to King Charles at Buckingham Palace and included a letter to him and to Prince William and Princess Cate.

Last week, I received a thank you card from the Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince William and Princess Cate thanking the Nagambie community for their condolences.

It featured a beautiful photo of Queen Elizabeth II on the left side and a poignant message on the right side.

On the front were two crowns, with W and C printed under them.

I will watch King Charles' coronation with enthusiasm and pledge my allegiance to him and loyalty as I did to his dear mother for over 70 years.

I wish him well and know it is his time to fulfill his destiny.

I hope to compile a congratulatory message on behalf of the Nagambie community and send it to him soon.

God save the King.