28 January 2025
Kevin speaks on ‘life is a journey’ at Probus


GUEST Speaker for September meeting of Euroa Probus was well known and respected local Kevin McFarlane who started his talk by saying ‘Life is a Journey to a Destination’.

Kevin said he admires people who can put powerful words on paper.

Music or a singer brings forward emotions and meaning to life.

In 1942, the song “White Christmas” became so popular initially selling 50 million copies, which then went to 100 million copies.

People wanted to re-live the peace.

The song ‘Waltzing Matilda’, means something to Australians and could have been our National Anthem.

Kevin recited verses from a poem written by Flo Hart entitled ‘Through Danny's Eyes’.

It is a very moving poem of a journey in life between two young boys.

One boy cannot see, though does see through the words of his friend.

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The other boy who can see had a tragic accident, before dying Dan said: “Give my eyes to Mannie”.

Such an amazing gift to give to his friend.

In 2002 Flo Hart was 80 years old, some of her books were published, though are now out of print.

Kevin spoke briefly about organ and tissue donations, saying eye corneas and tissue operations can be done within 24 hours after death.

It is good to think about registering as a donor through: Donate Life; eye and ear hospital or requesting to be donor on your driver's licence.

Probus club president Fred Jungwirth, who opened meeting on Monday, September 25, thanked Kevin and gave him a small thank you gift.

The next club lunch is on Wednesday, October 11 at 12 noon at Seven Creeks Hotel.

Please ring Bernie on 5795 2867 or 0417 599 630 to book or if you need transport.

The club’s Mystery Outing with lunch is Thursday, October 19 - meet at the Uniting Church by 10.30am.

The next Probus Meeting is Monday, October 23 at 10am in Uniting Church Hall.