FOREST Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) will take advantage of favourable weather and forest conditions across the state to reduce the risk of bushfires on the community and environment.
FFMVic deputy chief fire officer Aaron Kennedy said planned burning is one of the key tools firefighters use to reduce the size, intensity, and impact of bushfires.
“Reducing fuels such as grass, leaves, bark, shrubs, and small fallen branches means fires are less intense, slower to spread, and safer for firefighters to control,” Mr Kennedy said.
“Autumn is generally the best time of the year to undertake planned burns as the weather is more stable and fire behaviour is manageable and predictable.
“Given the limited opportunities to undertake planned burning, it is important that we commence this work as soon as weather and forest conditions are suitable.”
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This year more than 100 planned burns across an area of 46,300 hectares are prepared and ready for ignition in north east Victoria.
Priority burns are planned in state forest, parks, and reserves, including around Tatong and Beechworth.
“While planned burning is our most effective tool to reduce bushfire risk, in locations where planned burning isn’t suitable, we mulch, mow, slash and spray, build fuel breaks, and upgrade and maintain the public land road network to keep Victoria safer,” Mr Kennedy said.
"We work with the Bureau of Meteorology to assess weather conditions, such as humidity, temperature, and wind speed and will only carry out burns when the conditions are suitable, and it is safe to do so."
FFMVic is made up of skilled and experienced staff from Victorian fire and land management agencies, including DEECA, Parks Victoria, and Melbourne Water.
FFMVic works with emergency sector partners including the Country Fire Authority, Fire Rescue Victoria, and Emergency Management Victoria to manage bushfire risk, prepare communities, and respond to bushfires and other emergencies.
Latest updates on planned burns can be found at