29 March 2025
Nagambie and Strathbogie to host 2023 Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour

NAGAMBIE and Strathbogie will play host to the $600,000 18–carat–gold trophy as part of the 2023 Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour.

The 21st edition of the annual tour will visit Nagambie on Tuesday, October 10 and Wednesday, October 11, with Go Nagambie planning community events.

The tour will visit Strathbogie from 11am–1pm on Tuesday, October 10 before heading to Nagambie for the rest of the day.

However, Strathbogie is not listed on the tour's list of official destinations, as it is being considered part of the Nagambie leg of the tour.

Strathbogie farmer and horseman James Ryan applied to the Victoria Racing Club for the tour to visit Strathbogie and he was excited to learn his application had been successful.

"We were lucky to be picked along with the other side of the shire over at Nagambie," Mr Ryan said.

"We're bringing it up hopefully just to foster a bit of community enjoyment and push along the greatest sports trophy in the world."

Mr Ryan said he is still planning activities for the visit, but he has some ideas.

"Our recreational club room is being done up at the moment, and should be finished by then, so we're looking to start there, and then if it's fine weather we'll parade it through the street, through the school, through the golf club, and for the last hour and a half or so position it in the main street and have a little party," he said.

Go Nagambie executive officer Sissy Hoskin said the Nagambie community is looking forward to being part of this year's tour.

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"Nagambie has hosted the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour in the past and the iconic trophy has always been a very welcome addition," Ms Hoskin said.

"We look forward to welcoming the Cup and celebrating as a community."

Nagambie will also be part of the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour National Sweep, which will see 24 rural and regional Cup Tour destinations across Australia be allocated a barrier for the 2022 Lexus Melbourne Cup.

The town which draws the barrier of the Lexus Melbourne Cup–winning horse will be presented with a cash prize of $50,000 from to put towards a nominated charity for a local initiative.